Ministries Active at St. Mark Parish


If you are interested in serving on any of these ministries

please contact the pastor at 306 764-4637


Parish Council                                         (Read More)

Diocesan webpage 

Finance Council   (Read More)

Diocesan webpage 

         Minor Maintenance around Parish (Read more)

         Collection Counting               (Read more)

    Fundraising                                   (Read More)


The Sacraments       

         Baptism Preparation                       (Read more)

         Sacramental Preparation                 (Read more)

Liturgical Ministries         

Diocesan webpage on liturgy

         Ministers of the Word/Readers       (Read more)

         Ministers of Communion                (Read more)

         Lay Leaders/Commentators           (Read more)

         Greeters/Ushers                             (Read more)

         Music Ministers                             (Read more)

         Children’s Liturgy                         (Read more)

         Décor                                              (Read more)

         Sacristan                                         (Read more)

Community Life                                    (Read more)


Youth Ministry                                 (Read more)

Diocesan webpage on Youth Ministry 

         Altar Servers                              (Read more)

         Youth Group                                    (Read more)

Adult Faith Education      

Diocesan webpage on Catechism and Evangelization

         RCIA                                              (Read more)

         Bible Study                                 (Read more)

         Lenten Lunches                             

         Movie nights

Pastoral Care                   

Diocesan webpage 

         Visiting the Sick, Shut-ins, and Seniors homes

         Prayer Shawl                                   (Read more)


Social Justice                    

Diocesan webpage 

Development and Peace                 (Read more)

Soup kitchen                                   (Read more)


Responsible Ministry

(Protocol) Diocesan webpage 



Diocesan webpage 


Knights of Columbus        

Diocesan webpage 


Ladies of St. Mark                                   (Read more)


Prison Ministry                                   (Read more)

Diocesan webpage 

Administrator         Fr. Maurice Fiolleau          

Assistant    Deacon Brad Taylor


St. Mark Parish

581 – 9th Street East

Prince Albert, SK

S6V 0Y4

Phone Number:     306 764 4637 


Office Email:

Office Email:


Sunday Mass Time:   11:00am




Weekday Mass Time:  There will be No weekday Masses until further notice. 

Christmas Mass Schedule:

Dec 24th Christmas Eve 9:00p.m.

Dec 25th Christmas Day  11:00 a.m. 

January 1, 2025 New Year's Day - Holy Day of Obligation 11:00a.m. 


Office Hours:   Parish Office  is temporarily closed. Please contact Parish Office at 306 764 4637 and leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we become available.    Thank you for  your patience & understanding.